
The Pros and Cons of Touch Screen Phones

Mobile phones have seen dramatic changes in their entire functionality of features during the past few years. When they were being introduced into the market, these phones were actually meant for making phone calls, sending text messages and checking the date and time. As technology improved, these devices were as a result enhanced and this is what led to the smart phones. These phones are actually very sophisticated owing to the reason that they possess very many complex features that other phones do not. Manufacturers initially made the smart phones while targeting the business elite and professionals who need to manage their affairs even when on the move. However, popularity of these phones sky rocketed a few years later, which is why they are presently used by people of different professions. The most common feature of these mobile devices is the large screen that they usually have, which is operated by touch.

This is why they are referred to as touch screen phones and they usually have small keypads, as the screen is incorporated with a virtual one.
There are various pros and cons that these phones have, but most people who purchase them tend to overlook the disadvantages. The main pro of these phones is that they offer the user easy access into the various applications that are in the phone, because navigation is simple. In addition to this, viewing documents, sending e-mails and downloading files is also efficient when you use the smartphones as the screen resolution that they have is quite high. However, it is usually very easy to send a message to the wrong person just by a trip of a finger when you are using these phones. These types of phones are usually very appropriate when it comes to viewing documents or even for watching video clips. However, another con that most people usually discover the hard way is the fragile nature of the screens that these phones normally have. This means that one should take care when handling the phone because it is very easy for the screen to become scratched or even broken.

These phones, especially the BlackBerry, are usually excellent when it comes to browsing the internet; and for uploading and downloading data as well. This feature though brings you another disadvantage, because it leaves your phone prone to attack from viruses that are usually found on the internet.

